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Email this design
  • Mr. and Mrs. Charlene Brown Rosa
  • and
  • Mr. and Mrs. Carl Redd Verde
  • request the honour of your presence
  • at the marriage of their daughter
  • Violet Blue Verde
  • to
  • Albe Gooden Tuxed
  • g

Sample Wording

Click a link below to display (auto fill) sample wording. From the filled-in wording, you can then customize.

Modern Wedding Invitation Wording
When the couple and both families are hosting the wedding
When the couple is hosting the wedding
A quote from a poem as the header (this from Shakespeare's Sonnet 76)

Traditional Wedding Invitation Wording
Church Ceremony
Ceremony at Home of Friends

Grooms Parents Host Wedding Invitation Wording
Church Ceremony
Ceremony at Home of Friends

Divorced Parents Wedding Invitation Wording
Invitation issued by bride's mother (If mother has not remarried she uses a combination of her maiden name and her married name.)
Invitation issued by both parents, mother has remarried, father has not
Both of bride's parents have remarried and invitations are issued by both sets of parents
Both sets of parents are divorced and both are issuing the invitation
Both sets of parents are divorced, Bride's parents are issuing invitation and groom's parents are being included

Deceased Parent Wedding Invitation Wording
Wording for a deceased parent of the groom
Wording for a deceased parent of the bride
Wording for deceased parents of the bride

Reception Only Wedding Invitation Wording
Wedding Announcement Wording (Send a wedding announcement after the wedding)